The BLKHD MASK SERIES is about rebranding the black experience. When I look at the African masks from ages past, I see the faces and features of black people from long ago. What then will our masks look like to the black generations ages from now? Will we still try to pass off our ancestors masks as representative of who we are now? No. We must make new representations of ourselves to show our children’s children’s children what we look like; what we embody, and what we accomplished. WE ARE ART… and we must be so that they will be too.
CHARACTER STORY: Mask #3 Long-Faced. Hard Brow. Light Eyes. Wide Nose. Thick Lips. Scarred Bridge. Beach Dreads. Goated Goatee. His heavy Carribean accent announces his immigrant status. He moves rhythmically; every beat made out in his stride, his stance, his bop. He speaks in riddles you can barely understand. He laughs as you try to make out his wisdoms. You try to be like him. He says no, "JUST BE YOURSELF."